Cannot uninstall CylancePROTECT from SV Control Panel for some Streamvault appliances

2023-11-02Last updated

You turned off the CylancePROTECT option from SV Control Panel, but CylancePROTECT does not uninstall from your Streamvault™ appliance.

Affected versions

The following Streamvault image versions are affected by this issue:
  • 0011.2.X.27.G (released January 18, 2021) and later
  • 16.8.0 (released March 10, 2021) and later
  • 2019.1.C.14.G (released January 14, 2021) and later
  • 2016.1.C.19.G (released February 8, 2021) and later


A coding issue.


  1. Open the Windows Services console.
  2. Right-click the Server service and click Properties.
  3. Change the Startup type option to Manual, and then start the service.
  4. Open SV Control Panel, click the CylancePROTECT tab, and select the Turn off option.

    Wait 2 minutes for the process to complete.

  5. In the Windows Services console, change the Startup type of the Server service to Disabled.
  6. Restart the Streamvault appliance.