CylancePROTECT page of the SV Control Panel

2021-10-01Last updated

Use the CylancePROTECT page to view information about Cylance and to choose the mode in which the Streamvault™ appliance communicates with the Cylance Console in the cloud.

You can choose between the following options:
Online (recommended)
When online, the CylancePROTECT Agent communicates with Genetec to report new threats, update its agent, and send data to help improve its mathematical models. This option offers the highest level of protection.
The disconnected mode is for an appliance without an internet connection. In this mode, CylancePROTECT cannot connect or send information to Genetec management services in the cloud. Your appliance is protected against most threats. Maintenance and updates are available through the Genetec™ Update Service (GUS).
Turn off
Select this mode to permanently uninstall CylancePROTECT from your appliance. Your appliance will use Microsoft Defender for threat protection and detection. We do not recommend turning off CylancePROTECT if the appliance cannot receive virus definition updates for Microsoft Defender.
Important: When CylancePROTECT is turned off, you cannot change between Disconnected and Online. To change these settings, you must reset the software image on your appliance.
CAUTION: Switching between options may require a computer reboot, causing downtime for the system.

To access logs and advanced features for your system, select Run CylancePROTECT in Advanced UI Mode.