About the Streamvault plugin Management tab

2024-06-07Last updated

The Management tab displays an iDRAC web page through which you can configure and manage your iDRAC server credentials. You can also find more information about your iDRAC server and configure other options that aren't available through the Streamvault™ plugin user interface.

You can access the Management tab through the Streamvault™ hardware monitor of any iDRAC-enabled server or through the Streamvault™ manager.

If you access the Management tab through the Streamvault manager, a drop-down is displayed at the top of the page. You can use it to switch from one iDRAC server to another instead of having to manually switch from one hardware monitor to another. Each iDRAC server has its own iDRAC web page.

For login information, click Help at the bottom of the web page.

Streamvault manager - Management tab showing the iDRAC web page for an iDRAC-enabled Streamvault server.

Note: To access the iDRAC web page, you need a network connection between the client system that runs Config Tool and the IP address of the iDRAC server. If a network connection is unavailable, use the Config Tool page directly from the Streamvault appliance through a remote desktop or local console session.
If your system doesn't have any iDRAC servers, the Management tab is empty. A message states that there are no Streamvault hardware monitors with iDRAC management capabilities available.
Note: If the iDRAC web page doesn't load, click another tab and then go back to the Management tab.