Creating the plugin role

2024-06-03Last updated

Before you can configure and use the plugin, you must create the Streamvault™ Maintenance plugin role in Config Tool.

Before you begin

Download and install the plugin.

What you should know

The Streamvault Maintenance plugin contains two plugin roles:
  • Streamvault™ hardware monitor: The Streamvault™ hardware monitor entity is used to monitor the health of your Streamvault™ appliances and ensure you receive notifications when problems occur. One Streamvault™ hardware monitor per Streamvault™ appliance is required.
  • Streamvault™ manager: The Streamvault™ manager entity is used to control the alert configurations for a group of Streamvault™ Agent entities. Only one Streamvault™ manager is allowed per system.
  • Note: If the Directory servers are virtual machines or non-Streamvault servers, create a role for these servers only if you wish to use the manager entity.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Plugins task.
  2. In the Plugins task, click Add an entity (), and select Plugin.
    The plugin creation wizard opens.
  3. On the Specific info page, select the server on which the plugin role is hosted and the plugin type, and then click Next.
    If you don’t use expansion servers in your system, the Server option isn’t displayed.
  4. On the Basic information page, specify the role information:
    1. Enter the Entity name.
    2. Enter the Entity description.
    3. Select the Partition for the plugin role.
      If you don’t use partitions in your system, the Partition option isn’t displayed. Partitions are logical groupings used to control the visibility of entities. Only users who are members of that partition can view or modify the role.
    4. Click Next.
  5. On the Creation summary page, review the information, and then click Create, or Back to make changes.
    After the plugin role is created, the following message is displayed: The operation was successful.
  6. Click Close.

After you finish