Logging on to a Streamvault appliance

2024-06-05Last updated

The first time you start your Streamvault™ appliance, you’re prompted to change the default Admin password. Also change the default Operator password. You can then log on as either an Operator or Admin user.

Before you begin

Learn which access rights the Operator and Admin accounts have.

What you should know

Log on as an Admin user to configure your appliance in the SV Control Panel.
Important: Passwords must meet the following requirements:
  • Minimum of 10 characters
  • At least three characters from the following four categories:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Base 10 digits (0-9)
    • Non-alphanumeric characters (such as $, %, !)


  1. Power on the appliance.
  2. Log on using the Admin username and default password that are printed on the appliance.
  3. Enter a new Admin password.
    You’re logged on as an Admin user.
    Note: Some models have only the Admin account by default.
  4. Log off, and then log on using the Operator username and default password that are printed on the appliance.
  5. Enter a new Operator password.
    You’re logged in as an Operator user.
  6. Continue the Operator session, or log out and log back in as an Admin user.

After you finish

Launch the initial setup of your appliance.