Setting up your appliance in the SV Control Panel

2024-06-05Last updated

The first time you log on to your Streamvault™ appliance, the SV Control Panel opens the Streamvault Control Panel setup wizard to guide you through the initial setup.

Before you begin

Connect the appliance to the internet.

What you should know

  • Settings applied in the wizard can be changed later on the Configuration page of the SV Control Panel.
  • For an Archiver, Analytics, Workstation, or any other appliance that is a Security Center expansion server, you aren’t prompted to change any user passwords.


  1. Start your appliance.
    The SV Control Panel starts with the Streamvault Control Panel setup wizard open.
    Note: The SV Control Panel only opens automatically the first time that the appliance starts. In subsequent restarts, users must log on using their Admin credentials and start the SV Control Panel.
  2. On the Introduction page, click Next.
  3. On the Network page, configure the IP connection settings:
    1. For an appliance with two network interface cards, select the card you want to configure from the Network interface list.
      The Network interface list is hidden when only one network interface card is connected.
    2. If you use DHCP to obtain an IP automatically (default) and the IP address is missing, click Refresh () to get a new IP address. Then click Retry.
    3. If you want to specify the IP settings, click Use static configuration and enter a unique IP address for this appliance.
    4. If the Status field displays something other than "Connected to the Internet", click Retry.
    5. When the Status field displays "Connected to Internet", click Next.
  4. On the Computer setup page, complete the fields in the General information and Regional settings sections.
  5. To change the user interface to a different language:
    1. From Product language, choose your language.
    2. Restart the SV Control Panel.
    3. When the Streamvault Control Panel setup wizard reopens, click Next on the Computer setup page.
  6. On the Security page, change the Windows admin password.
    By default, this password is also used to log on to all Genetec™ applications. You aren’t prompted to change any passwords on an appliance that is a Security Center expansion server.
  7. In the Security section, click Modify password to configure passwords for the following applications:
    Windows admin
    The admin user's password for Windows.
    Client applications
    The admin user's password for Security Desk, Config Tool, and Genetec™ Update Service.
    Server Admin
    The password for the Genetec™ Server Admin application.
  8. Configure the following security settings, and then click Next:
    Automatic logout
    Windows will log off a user after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    Password complexity
    A complex password of at least 10 characters is required for Windows users.
    Windows management tools
    Enable support for Microsoft's management tools, such Windows Admin Center, Server Manager, and Remote PowerShell. Remote PowerShell also requires that Incoming remote connections be turned on.
    Removable storage access
    Enable access to a connected USB key or USB hard disk from Windows.
    Note: Users with administrative privileges automatically have removable storage access.
    Enable Smart Cards support
    Create or use a smart card reader with the Security Desk application. To prevent malicious software from affecting the device, this option has been turned off by default.
    Incoming remote connections
    Allow access to Remote Desktop connections and file sharing to the appliance from your computer network. To prevent malicious software from affecting the device, this option has been turned off by default.
    Remote Desktop
    Allow people in your network to log on to the appliance by using a Remote Desktop application. The Incoming remote connections option must also be turned on to allow access for Remote Desktop. To prevent malicious software from affecting the device, this option has been turned off by default.
    File sharing
    Allow people in your network to share files and folders that are on the appliance. The Incoming remote connections option must also be turned on to allow file sharing. To prevent malicious software from affecting the device, this option has been turned off by default.
    Note: If the Windows management tools option is turned on, then the File sharing must also be turned on and cannot be disabled.
  9. Read the information on the About CylancePROTECT page and click Next.
  10. On the Configure CylancePROTECT page, choose a communication mode:
    Online (recommended)
    When online, the CylancePROTECT Agent communicates with Genetec to report new threats, update its agent, and send data to help improve its mathematical models. This option offers the highest level of protection.
    The disconnected mode is for an appliance without an internet connection. In this mode, CylancePROTECT cannot connect or send information to Genetec management services in the cloud. Your appliance is protected against most threats. Maintenance and updates are available through the Genetec™ Update Service (GUS).
    Turn off
    Select this mode to permanently uninstall CylancePROTECT from your appliance. Your appliance will use Microsoft Defender for threat protection and detection. We do not recommend turning off CylancePROTECT if the appliance cannot receive virus definition updates for Microsoft Defender.
    Important: When CylancePROTECT is turned off, you cannot change between Disconnected and Online. To change these settings, you must reset the software image on your appliance.
  11. To access logs and advanced features for your system, click Run CylancePROTECT in advanced UI mode > Next .
  12. On the System Availability Monitor page, choose a data collection method:
    Do not collect data
    The System Availability Monitor Agent is installed but doesn’t collect any data.
    Data will be collected anonymously
    No activation code is required. Health data is sent to a dedicated Health Monitoring Service where the entity names are disguised and untraceable. This data is used only by Genetec Inc. for statistics and can’t be accessed through GTAP.
    Data will be collected and linked to my system
    An activation code is required. The health data that is collected is linked to a system that is registered with an active System Maintenance Agreement (SMA).
  13. Read the confidentiality agreement, select the I accept the terms in the confidentiality agreement checkbox, and click Apply.
  14. On the Conclusion page, click Close.
    The Start the activation wizard after setup option is selected by default. If you clear it, you are reminded to activate the product.

After you finish

Activate your appliance before use.